Identical Twin Sisters Become Twin Brothers After A Transition Process


Identical Twin Sisters Become Twin Brothers After A Transition Process

Identical twins, 23, who were born female are now brothers after both coming out as transgender – and they’re going through the transition process together. Fox5Atlanta recently reported the story of the twins who were identified as female at birth, but came out to each other at the age of 15. That was just a year after they had even heard the word ‘transgender.’ .

Jack and Jace Grafe, now 23 and originally from Baltimore, Maryland, started life as Jaclyn and Jennifer in June 1995, growing up in a conservative Christian home.

But despite being brought up in a happy household, the brothers admit they cried themselves to sleep as children and prayed to wake up as boys, not understanding what it meant to be transgender.

Jack, a deputy sheriff’s officer, said: ‘As a kid I would cry and pray to God that I would wake up in a male body, not even understanding that being transgender was a thing. “It’s like being in prison except it’s in your own body,” Jack told Fox5Atlanta. “And the older I got, the harder it was to swallow. And I was like, can’t do this for the rest of my life, I just can’t do it.”

‘Now, I am the happiest with myself that I have been in my entire life. That uncomfortable feeling we had before has completely gone.’

Both men admit the fear of coming out was huge, but having a twin going through the same experience provided incredible emotional support. Both men are in long-term relationships and work as corrections officers in East Georgia.