Everyone knows this one lady who seems to have it all. Her presence commands attention, and she exudes confidence and elegance. The men love her, the women hate her and the best part? She doesn’t mind.
Wonder why people don’t seem immune to these type of women? It’s because they have mastered the art of seduction. Here’s how:
They are confident
When you’re confident, you can pretty much get whatever you desire. Women like this know exactly what they want, how they want it and when without giving any room for objection. They are also confident in their flirting skills and use it to get the attention of anyone. Their level of confidence even works on other women who will willingly go out of their way to help them.
(Photo:Instagram/LilianAfegbai )
It pays them to pay attention
Most seductive women are usually very intelligent. They are well informed when it comes to their “prey” so they know how best to approach the situation. In discussions, you have their utmost attention as this helps them understand you better. No matter the topic of discussion, they ensure that their opinion is voiced and their voice is heard. Never underestimate these women.
They utilize their strength
Just like taking a photograph with your good side, these women find their strengths and . it up to the max. This strengths range from mental intelligence, finely honed discussion or negotiation skills to sexy bodies, flawless skin or a fantastic sense of style. If it works in their favor, then you bet they’ll use it to the max.
(Photo:Pretty Hurts Visual)
They invest in themselves
The art of seduction requires one to invest in themselves and embrace their flaws. A seductress takes care of her body, in whatever way that may mean to her. Her appearance in and out is top notch and she is self-aware enough to make up her own mind about her appearance. Even if she’s not the prettiest she definitely values herself like she is.
They prey on soft spots
In the game of seduction, these women have a sixth sense about people’s weaknesses and when they do find out your weakness, they use it to their advantage. They use it in such a way that makes their prey vulnerable to them. Think of a devoted puppy and its manipulative owner. However seduction requires finesse so never be crude.
(Photo: Vogue)
They speak guy code
Its all about being a masters with words, women fluent in the art of seduction always know the right words to use and they best way to present their requests. Women like this also don’t shy away from communicating with men and engage with them in a way that will eventually benefit them.
Their timing is always on point
Timing is everything and one of the key reasons why seductive women always get their way. They understand the importance of timing and know how to work it to their favor. Tip: understanding the person you’re interacting with also helps with knowing what time works best for them.
(Photo: Prince Meyson)
They know how to mix business with pleasure.
They have mastered the art of straddling the fine line between business and pleasure. With them, business always seem pleasurable to everyone; which in turn ensures that they get whatever they want.
Trying to find the love of your life? Consider these subtle ways to shoot you shot on social media
Source: Lifestyle.NG