I remember thinking “this is the most irresponsible human being I ever met” as I was walking home. I’d just had a huge argument with the guy and I was pissed. Who talks to a lady like that? Couldn’t he just apologize to me? I was used to getting my way and a guy putting me in my place just didn’t sit well with me.
Okay so this was how it started:
I went to get some things from the market that day because I wasn’t going to work. One annoying chicken seller had pissed me off so I was grumbling all the things I couldn’t say to her at the market. Meanwhile, it rained while I was out so there were slight pools of water on the road in my estate. I’d almost gotten to my gate when I felt water splash on me.
(Photo: Frederic Giqueaux)
He parked and came out of the car to apologize. God had finally sent me someone to vent my frustration on so I took on the challenge. Took my time to tell him how irresponsible he was and how he felt entitled. “Because you’re driving a car doesn’t mean everyone else does not exist, some guys just lack manners.” I’d been on my rant for a while when he cut in.
“I wasn’t speeding, I came out to tell you I’m sorry, You haven’t even allowed me to finish talking and you’re just insulting me” He was so calm that I got even angrier, told him to please disappear and walked away.
(Photo: The Culture Supplier)
Fast forward to one week later and I was strolling then someone walking past me said “hi”. I said “hi” back and he goes “Ah, so you can smile”. That’s when I noticed it was the guy I had a huge argument with the other day. I just used the opportunity to apologize then I explained how I’d had a really bad day then.
We chatted about chicken and other silly things and he asked for my number. Our first date was easy because apparently, I’d gotten all the tension out with our first encounter. It’s been over a year now and he just proposed 2 weeks ago.
– Tomiwa.
Source: Lifestyle.NG