Is It A Wild Myth Or Pure Fact?ZUMI

urine for dandruff

If you have dandruff, you know by now that most products promise extraordinary effects on your dandruff but they hardly ever work. If we had a dollar for every time we bought an anti-dandruff cream/shampoo that didn’t work, we’d be Bill Gates by now.

Apart from constantly seeking remedies for dandruff, it’s also very important to know the major causes of dandruff and how to avoid them. Have you heard about urine therapy to help clear dandruff? Yes. Urine produces exceptional results in clearing dandruff. Guys, this is no myth but a verifiable fact. We bet you’re thinking: urine? Isn’t that too far fetched? Gross!

Yes, We are sticking our noses up in the air too. But it sure does work! Desperate times and desperate measures right?
urine for dandruff

(Photo: United Kinkdom)

External application of urine strengthens hair follicles, heals scalp infections and enhances hair growth.  It retains the natural colour of hair and prevents graying of hair and bald patches. Urine’s composition is that of 2.5% urea, a mixture of beneficial enzymes, hormones, salts and minerals which make up 2.5% and water of 95%.

Now, it’s not just regular morning pee that is useful for your hair. Diet contributes to what forms the concentration of your urine. So, if you are serious about trying the urine for dandruff therapy, you have to modify your diet. Eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits. Slow down on the animal proteins for a while. Reduce spices in food and make your diet light. Also, take a lot of water to avoid smelly concentrated pee.

How To Use Urine To Clear Dandruff

1. Let the first drops of urine pass before you start collecting the urine.

2. Put the urine in a pan on low heat for about three minutes.

3. Allow to cool and remove the formed crust on the top.

4. Part your hair into several sections.

5. Dip a cotton wool into the urine and massage it into your scalp gently.

6. Wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour for effectiveness.

urine for dandruff

(Photo: Curl Centric)

7. Add a few drops of any essential oil; lavender oil, tea tree oil, grape seed oil etc – or rose water to lukewarm water for rinsing.

8. Rinse out with the prescribed. Do not use shampoo or soap afterwards.

9. Repeat 3 times a week for fast results.

So guys. what do you think about the urine for dandruff therapy? Is it something you are willing to try? Would you recommend it to a friend? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

