Ladies! Here are 5 signs that you are with a strong man


You can be in a relationship with a man who is either weak or strong.

When you date one who is emotionally weak and unstable, your relationship tends to suffer until he works on aspects of his character and elevate his mindset to accommodate the whole of you and the dimensions you come in.

With strong men, however, that is what you get from the get go. They are not insecure or unnecessarily protective or insanely jealous or anything of the sort.

To know more of the traits of a weak man, see our article here and below for top five signs you’ll see in a man who is strong in all senses of the word.

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He takes responsible for himself and for you. He knows what to do and does not wait to be told. (


1. Responsible

For you and all that he cares about. He bears responsibility for his actions, puts effort into taking care of your emotional, physical and financial needs within the limit of reason and rationality.

2. Secure

He is strong to let you maintain the things you’ve always enjoyed doing even before you met him. He does not disrespect your friends in order to hoard you to himself.

He places priority on mutual respect as opposed to seeking baseless submission.

He allows you be, and lets you do things that make you happy.

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He is strong and confident enough in himself to allow you do you, and to keep your friendships even with people of the opposite sex. (Hercampus)


3. Emotionally stable

He does not repress feelings, and communicates them in reasonable manners. He does not gaslight, does not leave room for resentment as much as he reasonably can.

He is a rock who allows himself feel as much as he is emotionally available for you when you need it most. He is not clueless about you, neither does he have no direction of his own.

4. Selfless sex

He puts your satisfaction ahead of yours and ensures that you orgasm at all times. He finds out what you like and does them the way you want them to be done.

5. Does not abuse you

Not emotionally and certainly not physically no matter how crazy things get.

Source: Lifestyle.NG