Want healthy relaxed hair? Find out what you’re doing wrong

There’s been a natural hair movement for some time now because it seems to be the way to healthy hair. And while leaving your hair natural has its perks, you don’t necessarily have to hop on that train (Yup, we said it!).

Healthy hair is perfectly achievable regardless of the texture of your hair. And if your relaxed hair is breaking, it’s most likely because you’re not adopting good relaxer practices. You can stop breakage and have healthy relaxed hair with these tips:

1. Use the right relaxer for your hair type

Relaxers generally come in normal or regular, and super formulas. If you have fine, thin hair then you should only use the regular formula. Using super would damage fine, thin hair. And even if it might not seem like it immediately, with time you’ll find your hair breaking. Likewise, if you have pretty thick and coarse hair, then you should only use super formulas. Using regular formulas for coarse hair would not relax it properly and you might feel the need to relax again sooner than you should. This could lead to over-processing which will certainly damage your hair.

healthy relaxed hair

(Photo: Pinterest via Anunustores)

2. Stretch your relaxer touch-ups

Unless you’re Rapunzel and your hair grows four inches every month (which is impossible), there’s no need to relax your hair every month. Give at least 10-12 weeks intervals to ensure that you have sufficient new growth. Anything earlier than this could lead to over-lapping hair which can cause serious breakage.

healthy relaxed hair

(Photo: laurenmechelle.com)

Use a deep protein treatment 2 weeks before you relax

Relaxers break down the protein bond (keratin) around your hair strands in order to penetrate the hair shaft and straighten it. This process could leave the hair weak and susceptible to breakage. Using a deep protein treatment like the Aphogee strengthening kit, two weeks before will fortify your hair and minimize damage. In addition, you can also use a milder protein treatment like hair mayonnaise two weeks post-relaxer to keep your hair healthy.

healthy relaxed hair

(Photo: Beautiphic)

For touch-ups, only relax new growth

Relaxers are permanent treatments which should be used just once on the hair. This means that previously relaxed hair should NOT be relaxed again because it would be over-processing. And over-processing is the main cause of breakage in relaxed hair. To prevent this, when doing a relaxer touch-up, it should ONLY be applied to the new growth and NOT all over your hair. Also, coat your previously relaxed hair with oil or conditioner to protect it from the relaxer over-lapping.

healthy relaxed hair

(Photo: fancyflairlady.com)

We’re sure you’ve reached an aha moment! because now you’ve realised why your relaxed hair is breaking. But this isn’t all. Check out the four-step regimen you need for healthy hair.