6 Signs That Show He’s Not Interested In You


You may have heard of relationships where the guy seems all perfect and charming. And out of nowhere, he breaks things off. Or worse, he’s with the girl one minute and proposing to another woman the next. You may think it will never happen to you because, surely, you’re smart enough to spot the signs that he’s all in.

The truth is, sometimes, the hints are so subtle that anyone can miss it entirely. To keep that from happening, watch out for these signs that he’s not interested in you:

1. He can’t be vulnerable with you

Yes, no one likes to open up completely to someone else. But when you’re really in love with someone, you will put in the effort to connect with them. And this means more than just sharing how your day went. He doesn’t have to reveal all his dirty little secrets. Even discussing his fears, future plans and daily challenges count as him trying to open up. However, if he doesn’t do this, it’s possible that he’s trying not to be emotionally invested in you because he’s really not that into you.

2. The relationship is based on restrictive activities

For example, you only meet at each other’s houses and hardly go on dates. Or you only go to parties and bars but never meet each other’s families. When some areas of the relationship seem like they are off-limits for some unspoken reason, beware.

3. He doesn’t believe in labels

At least that what he’ll say if you point out that you’re his girlfriend. Maybe he doesn’t want to be called your boyfriend because he doesn’t feel like your boyfriend.

he's not interested in you

(Photo: Essence)

4. You’re missing when he makes future plans

When we’re in love with someone, we subconsciously make plans with them in mind. Even without meaning to, a man shows he’s interested by using a lot of ‘Wes’ when it comes to talking about his future plans. But if you notice you are usually missing in the life he’s building, it could be because he’s not interested in you.

5. You do all the chasing

If the only thing he initiates when it comes to you is sex, then be wary. Sure, he may sound excited when you call and be thrilled to go along on whatever date plans you come up with, but if it’s starting to look like you’re always the one taking the first step, then he is probably not that into you.

6. He lets you know

Sometimes, his words tell you all you need to know. If he’s fond of expressions like “I find it difficult to trust people,” or “I don’t really have faith in this marriage thing,” or “relationships are overrated,” he could be trying to pass a message. These phrases, when repeated over and over again are signs that he’s hesitating. And instead of thinking you can change his mind, you may want to let him go so you find someone who’s ready for the commitment you need.

he's not interested in you

(Photo: HollywoodReporter)

You can also figure out if your man is a narcissist by looking out for these signs.

Featured Image via Tenor



Source: Lifestyle.NG