Deer found frozen to death still sitting up (photos)


A fisherman found the body of a stag frozen in place by the side of a road. Zachary Brown, 25, was shocked to see the animal still upright with its eyes open. He believes it was either hit by a car or died from the cold temperature, which had dropped to -5C.

Zachary, who works as a hunting and fishing guide in Alberta, western Canada, posted the video on Facebook four days ago, saying: ‘This deer didn’t quite make it.’ He told MailOnline: ‘I was guiding at Wizard Lake outfitting and was driving from checking trail cameras and noticed a deer in the ditch, I was curious to see what it was all about and noticed this deer had either been frozen to death or been hit by a car. ‘I think its a sad way to go, it wouldn’t be fun freezing to death. Hopefully it was painless.’

Deer are the most commonly killed animal by drivers in the UK, making up almost a third of the animals to die.