Trendy Fashion Tips For The Fashionable And Stylish TeenagerZUMI

trendy fashion tips

So you love fashion and you constantly want to look fab. You enjoy playing dress up and experimenting with colours…

You always look forward to going to parties or events or even just to the mall; because it means you get to try your hands at putting a stylish outfit together and generally look great. You see your favourite female celebrities in movies and magazines and you wonder how you could ever get to look that good!

Well, what you need to do is follow these trendy fashion tips and you will be well on your way to being one of the most stylish teens around!

Know Your Body Type

Of all trendy fashion tips you could ever get, this is the first and most important step to looking fashionable and stylish. Knowing your body type prevents you from committing fashion blunders and forcing the wrong styles upon yourself.

Wear The Right Underwear
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Dreamclassy)

This is important for both your health and fashion. Wearing the wrong bra, for example, can leave you in pains and ruin your outfit in countless ways. Here’s how often you should wash your bras by the way.

Invest In Denim
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Instagram via @NancyIsimeOfficial)

Denim pants and jackets are timeless classics that will save you from a lot of outfit drama. On days when you have to look put together even though you really cannot deal, a denim jacket will come to your rescue. Cold at the movies? Denim jacket. Denim day at school? Denim jacket fam! For pants, decide what style works best for you and stick to it. Boyfriend, baggy, boot cut, high rise (high waist), pencil etc.

Learn How To Mix Prints And Colours
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Instagram / Caribbean_cowgirl)

Playing with colours and prints is an art that needs to be mastered. While you have to take time to learn this art and master it, here are a few basics to take away now. Match colourful prints with plain skirts and bottoms. Match printed dresses with plain accessories. Overall, remember that you cannot have more than three colours in your outfit at the same time.

Build A Capsule Wardrobe
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Today Show)

Tons of super stylish women are building capsule wardrobes to suit their style and the season. You should do this too. When building a capsule wardrobe, pick out pieces that can be worn or styled in more than one way. If you feel this won’t work for you, resolve to reorganize your wardrobe at least once every three months.

Get An LBD (Or Two)
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Sassy Peach)

Every fashionable girl needs a little black dress. So invest in a couple and they will certainly come in handy at least twice in a month.

Show Off Your Best Feature
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Instagram / Serrabellum)

Knowing your best feature is the next step to being that fashionable chic you aspire to be. Figure out what your best feature is and style your outfits in a way that will show it off. Got graceful long legs? Rock them knee-length. Beautiful neck? Wear stylish up-dos and statement earrings. You get the drift?

Go Formal Sometimes
trendy fashion tips

(Photo: Style Pantry)

Do not always stick to age-appropriate wears. Bring out your super chic side with blazers, pantsuits, jumpsuits etc. Also, always remember that leggings go with long tops. So whenever you wear a pair of leggings, pair it with a thigh-length top.

In the end, there are no hard and fast rules for being fashionable. The key is to figure out what really works for you and stick with it.

Whatever outfit you decide to wear, remember that nothing will look good on you unless you are confident. So wear that confidence like a second skin and watch heads turn your way!

Featured Image via theodysseyonline

