Police Reveal How Nigerian Kidnapper ‘Abducted’ Three Girls In Ghana. Photos


It has been revealed by a suspected Nigerian kidnapper who is currently in custody – was an acquaintance to all three girls whom he allegedly kidnapped in Ghana. The Western Regional Police Commander, Vincent Dedzoe, said at a news conference Wednesday, all three victims were in “constant communication” with the suspected kidnapper, Samuel Udoetuk-Wills via mobile phone.


The Police’s press conference comes following wide media attention on the kidnapping of three girls dating back to August 17, 2018 starting with Priscilla Blessing Bentum in the Effia-Kwesimintsim municipality.

Later, Ruth Love Quayson would go missing on December 4, 2018 while 15-yr old Priscilla Koranchie was kidnapped on December 21, 2018 at Nkroful.

The suspect, 28-year old Nigerian has refused to talk, police say. 

He is already standing trial for escaping lawful custody, causing unlawful damage and resisting arrest after he escaped Takoradi police cell on December 30, 2018.

Recaptured January 10, 2019 in an abandoned building, through the “intensity of [police] processes,” a dress and head gear of one of the victims was found.

Samuel Udoetuk, kidnapper arrested in Ghana

The Police commander said they have a “strong belief” that the clothings found connects the Nigerian to the crime.

All efforts to find the girls have failed because the re-arrested suspect directed police into dead-ends, the commander revealed. The Western Police commander Vincent Dedzoe said two of the girls were promised jobs and another was promised a mobile phone.