Judge Recuses Himself From Trial Of Nigerian Pastor Accused Of Rape In South Africa.


According to reports, South African Judge, Mandela Makaula has recused himself from the rape trial of controversial pastor, Timothy Omotoso.

Pastor Timothy Omotoso and others.

It appears that Judge Maaula is linked to a guest-house that was used to house state witnesses in the Omotoso case.

A letter from Omotoso’s Lawyer, Peter Daubermann reveals that “upon inquiry by Mr Daubermann, Adv Ntelwa disclosed that Judge Makaula owns the guest-house indirectly through a company.”

This was revealed in a letter from Omotoso’s Lawyer, Peter Daubermann reveals 

In December 2018, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) had dismissed the application brought by Omotoso’s legal team to have Judge Makaula recuse himself. Now, it seems as though things have turned in his favour. 

The Nigerian pastor and two women have been accused of sexual assault, rape, human trafficking and racketeering.

Pastor Timothy Omotoso (59), Zukiswa Sitho (28) and Lusanda Solani (36), have been in custody since the beginning of trial last year.