See How Chinese Bred Rats & Celebrated 100 Reasons To Eat Them


For many people who are not Chinese, they do not want to see rats near their surroundings, homes or even think of having it in their pots.

But in China, we have seen from images and viral videos that they can be a delicacy on the dining table. The Chinese bamboo rat is the most sought after in the country and it is hailed for it’s the nutritional value and they say it is a possible coronavirus carrier.

A lot of farmers raise them and chefs have devised ways and celebrated reasons to eat it until the pandemic brought the trade to a halt. The Chinese bamboo rats are known for its  portly figure and fat cheeks.

According to Chinese medicine, the meat can detoxify one’s body and improve the functions of one’s stomach and spleen. They say it tastes like duck meat.

So if you are a lover of duck meat, you should be able to eat the Chinese bamboo rat.