Who Is The most Versatile Actress: Mercy Johnson, Funke Akindele, Genevieve Or Ini Edo?


We have amazing and talented actresses in Nollywood. But we have picked these few because of their outstanding performances on the screen.

Mercy Johnson knows how to act as a mother, wife, wicked or kind woman, madwoman, comedian

Genevieve Nnaji is one beautiful actress and she wowed and perceived to be too classy. She can act as the boss chic

Funke Akindele is loved for her comedic nature

Ini Edo, the busty and curvy actress is also good when you are looking for that sexy babe or wife in a movie role. She is sure to show you her curves and she knows how to let the tears flow freely.

So who is most versatile amongst the four of them?

See what some Nigerians are saying below:


This shouldn’t be a debate, we all know it’s Mercy Johnson Funke Akindele: Nah, she’s not among. Genevieve: too classic, she definitely cannot act a mad woman or some other “non classic” roles. So nah Ini Edo: She’s good, but can’t beat Mercy. So


Saw Funke play a cool mum, it was so unnatural. Mercy Johnson and Ini Edo can play all parts


Mercy Johnson will play all roles the rest are good at effortlessly


Definitely not Genevieve, she’s always too serious in her movies. She can’t act comedy movies. I think Mercy Johnson is the best. (can Play all Parts)


Don’t Even Play With Mercy Johnson The Street Can’t Forget Dumebi The Dirty Girl


So which actress do you think can play most roles?