See What Will Happen To Trump If He Refuses To Accept Defeat As Reported By CNN


Believe it or not, there are four steps of American government rules that would help in removing President Trump from office, if he fails to peacefully accept defeat and hand over power. And this can be done to avoid crisis and the transfer of power peacefully to the President elect.

1. The first key step is the Electoral College.

As we all know, the American state election results are not determine by the votes of the citizens, but that of the vote of different states, and the District of Columbia’s electors are the ones responsible for selecting political parties at different states.

So for peace to reign, both parties are expected to require any of the college to pledge their loyalty of not withholding, delaying, or alter the results of their opponents base on claims or protest made by the other parties.

2. The second step is College

In January 2021, the newly seated Congress will come together to receive the votes of the Electoral College’s and counts it again. And after that, the Senate president are the ones to announce the results of the election. Unlike the present electors who as of this writing has not been selected as of this writing.

3. The third step is State Governors.

Out of the 50 states governors, 39 will not be up for re-election. These 39 governor come together to serve a peaceful transfer of power to the winner. They also hold power to respect the election results no matter the winner.

4. The final step is Civilians and Uniformed Defense

Lastly, the civilian and uniformed personnel have their roles to play in this matter. This is because, the health of America depend on them not using the power in the transfer of power. But if Donald Trump refuses to leave, then the military would have no loyalty to him as of January 20, 2021.

What is your opinion on this? Do you think that Trump will hand over?