Three health benefits of garden eggs


Eggplants are also known as aubergine which is an edible plant usually dark purple in colour, long and bell-shaped. This fruit is usually used in many different dishes as a vegetable globally.

Although garden eggs are part of the eggplant family, they look entirely different. This fruit comes in various colours; some dark green, some white with faint green stripes, and others, yellow or cream with green stripes. Interestingly, these different species of garden eggs taste different.

If you’re familiar with some cultural practices in Nigeria, you’ll probably have spotted one of these variations of garden eggs during traditional ceremonies. For instance, among the south-easterners in Nigeria, garden eggs are served alongside kola nuts to guests. These eggplants are usually accompanied by a spicy groundnut paste called “ose oji”.

With these being said, let’s dive into the good contributions of garden eggs to the human diet.

  1. Packed Full Of Vitamins

If there’s one guarantee you should have while eating garden eggs, it’s that they contain tons of nutrients like iron, calcium, beta carotene. But that’s not all — magnesium and vitamin B6 are also nutrients which are contained in garden eggs.

The vitamin B1 and B6 components in garden eggs aid the proper functioning of the heart and cellular respiration. It’s rich in potassium and aids in blood pressure regulation.

Garden eggs also contain fibre which makes them a great addition to the dietary plan of a person working towards losing weight.

  1. It Aids Weight Loss

I was amazed to learn that this fruit helps in weight loss. The science behind this claim is pretty simple. Garden eggs are easily filling because of their fibre content. The scientific title for foods that act this way is known as; Food Bulking Agents.

Food Bulking Agents have two primary assignments; the first is to act as a filling agent and the second, to reduce calorie intake.

Hence, eating these fruits will reduce the amount of food consumed and if this is done over time, weight loss is achievable.

  1. Good For Pregnant Women, Diabetic Patients

Although garden egg is a fruit, it can be cooked as a vegetable.

It’s one of those fruits which can be enjoyed in so many different ways. Asides from eating it as is, this fruit can be prepared as a sauce to be eaten with staple food like yam and rice. They can also be steamed or sauteed.

Eggplants also have other health benefits. For instance, they’re great for pregnant women as they’re packed full of essential nutrients needed for the daily nutrition of both mother and unborn baby.

Eggplants are also attributed to helping to reduce sugar levels as well. This is great news for diabetic patients.

Next time you walk or drive past these fruits, look at them from fresh lenses having acquainted yourself with their benefits to our health.