Baby Holly Marie’ whose newlywed parents were found murdered in Houston is found alive after 40 years


Baby Holly Marie’ whose newlywed parents were found murdered in Houston is found alive after 40 years

The missing daughter of two Texas newlyweds who were murdered and dumped in the woods more than 40 years ago was found alive.

Holly Marie Clouse was an infant (right) when her parents Harold Dean Clouse and Tina Gail Clouse disappeared in late 1980 while moving from Florida to Texas. Harold, 21, and Tina, 17, were found in dead in a wooded area of Houston on January 12, 1981.

However, their identities remained unknown until last year when DNA connected the couple to family members in Kentucky. The couple’s infant daughter, Holly, was not found with their remains, leaving investigators to believe she could still be alive. Family history detectives have now located Holly and connected her with her extended biological family, the Texas Attorney General’s Office reported. Holly (left), a 42-year-old mother-of-five, lives in Oklahoma and hopes to meet her biological relatives in person soon.

The Hope for Holly project spanned across state lines with law enforcement officials in Texas, Florida and Arizona working to find Harold and Tina’s missing baby.

Meanwhile, Holly’s extended family said finding her was an answered prayer.


‘Finding Holly is a birthday present from heaven since we found her on Junior’s birthday. I prayed for more than 40 years for answers and the Lord has revealed some of it… we have found Holly,’ her grandmother, Donna Casasanta, said.

‘Thank you to all of the investigators for working so hard to find Holly. I prayed for them day after day and that they would find Holly and she would be alright. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Mindy Montford. We will be forever grateful.’