Watch the moment Children confronted their dad in front of their mum for s3x chatting their mistress


Watch the moment Children confronted their dad in front of their mum for s3x chatting their mistress

A father was humiliated by his daughters after they found proof that he is cheating on their mother again.

They told their father he ought to be ashamed of himself, they also told him that he can’t keep putting their mother through that while she is trying to work on the marriage.

At one point, one of the daughters begins crying and tells her father, “I want to kill you dad.”

She also said to him, “You should be ashamed. How many f******* times are you going to put my mum through the same f****** bullsh*t?”

Another daughter then goes to their mum and gives her a sweater to keep warm.

While all this is going on, the father, who has a cup of tea sitting on a table before him, is seen silently looking at his daughters.

When the father tries to interrupt, the daughters refuse to let him speak.

One daughter is heard saying: “Daddy, you are a cheater and you gotta listen to what she’s saying.”

Another daughter says: “You are not that father figure. I don’t care who you are to me, you are nothing to me.”

The camera zooms to their father’s chat with the other woman at some point and it shows them sexting

The woman talks about sending him “Noods” of “those big boobs” and encouraging him to look at them.

She also wrote: “You know it when it’s wet.”

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