Can you spot the hidden creature in this optical illusion?


Can you spot the hidden creature in this optical illusion?

They say your mind can play tricks on you and sometimes you force yourself to see what’s really there.

This mind-bending optical illusion from JagranJosh is designed to make your brain (and your eyes) work hard in a bid to see what’s really there.

At first glance there is nothing there but black and white lines, but that’s not the case – there is actually an animal hiding inside.

Were you able to find it? The combination of black and white lines close together can make it difficult to see.

If not, you might have a bit more success if you stand further back from the screen.

If that doesn’t work you can try squinting or looking away from the screen and then back again.

To make it a bit easier for those of you who are still struggling, we have an image showing the animal – a frog – as it would appear in a different colour scheme below.

Optical illusions can be good brain teasers, forcing our minds to work hard to figure out if what we are seeing is true.

Would you have gotten it?