Here are the top 10 emojis that make you look old


Here are the top 10 emojis that make you look old

The results of a survey by Indie from 2,000 people between the ages of 16 to 29 show that these are the top 10 emojis that make you seem ‘old’. 

1 – Thumbs up – 24%

2 – Red love heart – 22%

3 – OK hand – 20%

4 – Tick – 17%

5 – Poo – 17%

6 – Loudly crying face – 16%

7 – Monkey eye cover – 15%

8 – Clapping hands – 10%

9 – Lipstick kiss mark – 10%

10 – Grimacing face – 9%

Which of them are you guilty of? Do you agree with the survey?