Why do women cut and dye their hair after a breakup?

Why do women cut and dye their hair after a breakup?
Why do women cut and dye their hair after a breakup?

Why do women cut and dye their hair after a breakup?

When you are in the throes of a difficult breakup, you might want to cut your hair.

Have you ever felt the need to cut off all your hair and perhaps just dye it? The feeling is usually spontaneous and you always do it without much thought.

When we are trying to rid ourselves of negative and intense emotions, we tend to make rash, impulsive decisions that can provide us with instant relief because;

It gives a sense of control

According to research, cutting one’s hair can give one a sense of control and emotional release, particularly while going through a stressful life period like a breakup.

It can make you feel better
Leaving the salon with a new trim always improves your mood. A new haircut is a form of self-care like a spa date or a vacation.

According to Rebecca Newman, a psychotherapist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “When we’re going through a period of transition that is particularly painful, we tend to make decisions that provide immediate relief.”

It signifies the end of a relationship
Changing one’s hair is common after a relationship ends. The grief of a breakup can make one want to eliminate the weight of their hair. Keeping your hair requires a lot of time and effort and cutting your hair can sometimes symbolise ‘letting go of the emotional labour of the relationship too’

When you change your hairstyle, you are redefining yourself

You want to change who you were and how you looked in that relationship. When you cut and dye your hair, you look new and different.

Making changes to our physical appearance can feel like peeling off a layer of skin, and we often expect to feel better right away. But, doing so ultimately doesn’t make our sadness go away, it’s only a temporary fix, because we might still need to work on our internal issues.