Melissa Kinsella is declared clinically dead after collapsing at Turkish airport and falling into a coma


Melissa Kinsella is declared clinically dead after collapsing at Turkish airport and falling into a coma

A British holidaymaker left on life support in Turkey after her heart stopped minutes before she was meant to board her flight home has been declared ‘clinically dead’.

Melissa Kinsella, 30, was due to fly back to the UK on May 15 after a family holiday.

But the mother-of-three collapsed in the airport and was taken to hospital in Antalya, Turkey as she had swelling on her brain, where she was placed on life support, unable to breathe for herself.

Thanks to funds raised by a friend for her hospital care, which totaled £1,800 a day, and a £42,000 transport, she was returned to the UK on May 24.

Her parents announced in a heartfelt tribute on social media that tests had shown that the 30-year-old mother was clinically dead.

‘After 12 days of fighting for our beautiful daughter’s life, test[s] prove she is clinically dead. We have no words to express how we feel but thank everyone who helped us in any way to bring her home.’

She said that Melissa was an organ donor and that she was in surgery for donations.

Melissa’s best friend of eight years, Rebecca Gath, 35, joined tributes online.

‘I can’t believe I’m never going to hear your voice again (other than voice notes that I’ll cherish forever).

‘I’m never going to get one of those phone calls that I’ve prayed for the past 12 days. I am absolutely heartbroken for your family, your girls, your friends.

‘I’m going to miss that dirty laugh, the disgusting stories with too much information.

‘The absolute anger at any small inconvenience and the best friend that would always encourage me to fly off the handle and you’d be there to back me up.

‘I’ll never have a best friend like you again because you were one in a million. I love you.’

She said previously that this is the ‘the most heartbreaking situation’ and that her family are distraught.

‘Her family are beside themselves… Her mum and dad are with her in Turkey but are only allowed to stay at her bedside for 10-15 minutes per day,’ Rebecca said.

‘Her partner Jay is at home with the children trying to be strong for them.

‘As her friend this is the most heartbreaking situation.’

‘She’s such a bubbly, funny and popular person,’ Rebecca said of Melissa.

‘Knowing she is fighting for her life is breaking mine and all of her friends and family’s hearts.’

Melissa’s family do not know whether Melissa had decided to take out travel insurance prior to her trip, and were unable to ask her as she was in a coma.