Presumed human remains found in wreckage of Titan sub after catastrophic implosion killed Titanic Five


Presumed human remains found in wreckage of Titan sub after catastrophic implosion killed Titanic Five

‘Presumed human remains’ have been found in the wreckage of the Titan submersible, the US Coast Guard announced on Wednesday.

Several identifiable parts of the ship were lifted ashore earlier in the afternoon, including the sub’s nose and a large panel that appears to be from its tail end.

Amid those recovered pieces, Coast Guard officials said they discovered what they believed to be human remains, which will now be transported aboard a ship to a port in the United States where they will undergo testing and analysis.

Officials said Wednesday the remains were ‘carefully removed within the wreckage’ that was recovered earlier in the day.

‘I am grateful for the coordinated international and interagency support to recover and preserve this vital evidence at extreme offshore distances and depths,’ Marine Board of Investigation Capt. Jason Neubauer said in a statement.

Pieces recovered after Titan implosion

‘The evidence will provide investigators from several international jurisdictions with critical insights into the cause of this tragedy,’ he added.

But Neubauer noted there is a ‘substantial amount of work’ still to be done to understand what happened to the Titan sub and to ‘help ensure a similar tragedy does not occur again.’