Dr Stan says “there are not up to 100 good igbo women in the world”


In a recent Twitter thread, Dr. Stan, a prominent online doctor, voiced his concerns about igbo women and their tendencies to abandon their husbands in critical situations.

Dr. Stan expressed agreement with a fellow Twitter user, John Doe, who stated that women, in general, don’t love men, suggesting he may have been referring specifically to “Igbo women.”

During a WhatsApp call with a friend, Dr. Stan revealed that they had spoken on the mean-spiritedness that was among many “Igbo women,” describing it as “scary.”

Advising his followers, particularly his male audience, he urged them to prioritize finding genuine love in a life partner over tribe.

Dr. Stan also shared his personal experience, revealing that he is happily married to a Caucasian woman, revealing that life would not be good if he had chosen an “igbo woman.” He claimed to have observed these traits from a distance before making his decision.

In a cautionary tone, he concluded that there are only very few “good” igbo women, estimating that they are not even up to a hundred.

Brothers, marry well. Forget about the tribe and marry someone who loves you. I am married to a Caucasian, and my Igbo mother is in the house, and life is good. Life wouldn’t be good if I had married an Igbo woman. I saw it from a distance before making my life partner decision.

They are very few good Igbo women.

They are not up-to 100”