“Stop copying hollywood, you can never be as good as them” Yul Edochie

“Stop copying hollywood, you can never be as good as them” Yul Edochie

“Stop copying hollywood, you can never be as good as them” Yul Edochie

Yul Edochie, has recently made a powerful statement directed at his peers in filmmaking. In a bold move, he urged Nigerian filmmakers to embrace their unique cultural identity rather than trying to mimic Hollywood.

This message resonates deeply in an industry often caught between local authenticity and global appeal.

Edochie commended Nigerian filmmakers for their achievements but emphasized the importance of staying true to their roots. He highlighted that while the allure of Hollywood is strong, Nigerian filmmakers and Nollywood can never outdo Americans in their style. Instead, he stressed the significance of focusing on what they can do best: telling Nigerian stories.

His call to action is for filmmakers to delve deeper into Nigerian culture and traditions in their storytelling. Edochie believes that by showcasing their cultural richness, Nigerian filmmakers can not only compete but also set themselves apart on the global stage. He pointed out that just as Hollywood sells American culture, Nollywood has the potential to proudly sell Nigerian culture to the world.

He wrote:

”Dear Nigerian filmmakers, I commend all of us for all we’ve achieved so far.

We must never forget this; no matter how much we copy oyibo, we no be oyibo, we can never do their thing better than them.

Let’s tell more Nigerian stories.

Let’s show more of our culture & tradition in our stories.

Ovibo was are not better than ours.

They have sold theirs.

Let’s sell ours.
