Actress Biodun Stephen sends a PSA to Nigerian hospitals


Actress Biodun Stephen sends a PSA to Nigerian hospitals

Media personality Biodun Stephen has issued out a quick PSA to hospitals and doctors.

She preached on the importance of doctors becoming kinder to their patients, as she revealed the coldness that most Nigerian doctors exhibit.

In her words, she says,

“Dear doctors, I know this country does not give you the credit you deserve, but the patients need your warmth in consulting with them. You do not need to be friendly, though. I believe it’s a plus. But aloofness and coldness does not come with the medical practice. Do better. Be kinder.”

She further told hospitals in Nigeria that most patients do not like coming to them, the same way they don’t like seeing patients.

“ Dear hospital, the feeling is mutual. I do not like coming to you either, but sometimes life forces us to be in your presence. When I do come to you, tell your people not to treat me like a livestock. You are not doing me a favor. It is a paid service. Thank you.”