May Edochie goes emotional over her latest achievement

May Edochie goes emotional over her latest achievement
May Edochie goes emotional over her latest achievement

It is an emotional time for May Edochie, the estranged wife of Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie as he hits 1 million followers.

Taking to her Instagram page, the mother of three stated that she has never seen anything like the love her fans and followers have for her. She revealed that she first noticed a big fan initiated a count down to 1m, which nearly turned into a movement.

Questioning what kind of love that is, she praised them for being amazing as she noted how the atmosphere is filled with genuine celebrations and jubilations.

She further questioned how they should celebrate her new feat, as she stated that her Instagram page is no longer hers but theirs, while also letting them know that she is back on TikTok.


I’ve never seen anything like the kinda love my fans and followers have for me. It’s unexplainable. I was amazed when I first noticed a big fan initiated a countdown to 1M, which nearly turned into a movement. What kind of love is this? Y’all are truly amazing. Genuine celebrations and jubilations here and there. I have to do this cos this page is no longer my page but OUR page.

So how should we celebrate? Tell me what you want. I’ll be in the comment section.

….And that’s how I suddenly remembered my TikTok password yesterday, so I’m back on TikTok. Please click on the link in my bio or search my CORRECT and ONLY handle MAYYULEDOCHIE with 60 videos.