Allow RCCG members attend your schools for free, Lege Miami tells pastor Adeboye

Allow RCCG members attend your schools for free, Lege Miami tells pastor Adeboye
Allow RCCG members attend your schools for free, Lege Miami tells pastor Adeboye

Lege Miami, the Nigerian actor, has called on Enoch Adeboye to allow members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to attend the church-owned schools for free.

The entertainer took to Instagram to narrate his encounter with a young lady seeking help to pay her school fees.

The actor said when he asked which church she attends, the lady said she is a member of RCCG.

Lege proposed that school fees be waived, with maintenance costs covered by offerings collected during services.

“Pastor Adeboye good evening sir. My name is Lege Miami on social media. I am an advocate for all the youths. Please someone came to me now. This kid is planning to pay for school fees. I asked which church the child attends and the answer was Redeemed Christian Church of God. And I also know your church has a university built and you call it a private school,” he said.

“Please, since the parents of these kids contributed to the building of the school, why not allow these kids to attend the school for free? The money they contribute should be used to take care of the church.

“Daddy please, we do not like the way these kids come to us to beg for money where we are still struggling to eat too. We give money to orphans, and someone who attends Redeemed church is asking money from me.”