Why You Shouldn’t Keep Secrets From Your Partner


When you’re in a relationship, your natural instinct is to put your best foot forward. You want to impress your partner and you want them to see you as perfection.

The truth is, nobody is perfect. And you may be tempted to keep secrets from your partner because you are afraid that if he sees the imperfect side of you, he won’t look at you the same. But you are in more danger when you hide these things than when you reveal them.

He should love you for who you are

Your flaws are parts of the things that make you who you are. So, when you keep secrets from your partner and avoid telling/showing him the bad parts, you are not giving him a chance to know you. This is doing both you and him a disservice.

keep secrets from your partner

(Photo: ABC)

You will worry that he will find out

If there’s something serious in your past or something about your character that you’re hiding from him, it will constantly keep you up at nights. Chances are high that the truth will come to light someday and you don’t want him to find out in the wrong way. This can negatively impact your relationship.

It’s not as bad as you think

When you keep secrets from your partner, they tend to seem bigger in your head than they really are. Sometimes, talking about it can give you perspective and you may even realize that things are not as earth-shattering as they seemed in your head.

keep secrets from your partner

(Photo: BET)

It makes you closer

Sharing something imperfect about you can make you and your partner feel closer to each other. When you find someone that accepts this ugly part of you, you create a bond that is stronger than most. You feel safer and more secure with him.

To keep your relationship strong, here some secrets happy couples know.

Source: Lifestyle.NG