How My Family Friend Accidentally Crushed His 4 Year Old Son’s Hand


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We came across this story and thought to share because this could happe to any of us.It was school day as usual and he was taking the kid to school. We all know how some kids find going to school every morning as hell and cry vehemently in protest.
So that was how this boy was crying the morning he about to be taken to school. The Father carried the little boy and put him in the back seat and shut the door.
Unfortunately the door caught the boy’s hand and his crying increased. The father didn’t bother to look back as his crying was habitual. He drove for over five minutes only for him to look back and find the boy and the car filled with blood.

His hand was badly damaged with his tender bones crushed too. Hearing the story gave me goosebumps. I pray he heals fast. It’s good we pay detailed attention to our kids.