These Are The Benefits Of Dating A Man In His 30s-Lifestyle News


Dating older men generally have a lot of benefits attached to it. More commitment, less time for games and lots more, but men in their 30s are a balance. So we’d tell you the benefits of dating a man in his 30s and why he’s a perfect balance between the older and younger man.

These are the benefits of dating a man in his 30s

dating a man in his 30s

(Photo: Motherhood In Style)

He’s had experience in the dating game

A man in his 30s has been through enough relationships and suffered enough heartbreaks. So he’s gathered enough experience to know how to date the right way. Slay queens are no longer the other of the day and wife material 100 yards is the new business.

He knows what he wants from life

At this stage, he isn’t still battling his urge and bouncing around different life paths trying to figure out what he wants from life or travelling around the world to explore different cultures. Entrepreneurial and 9-5 hustle is real and life calms him down well.

dating a man in his 30s

(Photo: Chyder 5)

He is ready to settle down and build a life

Once a man reaches his 30s, his subconscious and his society automatically expect that he should be ready to settle down. He begins to feel the need to build a home and life with someone he loves and appreciates. Add that to the fact that his father and mother are beginning to send subtle hints that it’s time to settle down and bring babies.

He still has some fun and adventure left in him

All these notwithstanding, he still has some fun left in him to make things exciting and keep you on your toes. The more the maturity, the more romantic the dating game. He’ll trade-in 1 am “wanna hang out” for a 7 pm “wear something nice and let’s do dinner”.

dating a man in his 30s

(Photo: The Net)

He is finally ready to pull his weight

You don’t generally get to see his boxers laying around the house or his house with only beans and Indomie hungry man size. He starts doing chores and washing his own clothes or at least hiring someone to do it for him.

This is a perfect balance between the adventurous younger man and the romantic older man and is just the perfect time for a man to settle down. So have fun dating a man in his 30s and tell us how it goes in the comment section. Read this if you’re still into younger guys.

Source: Lifestyle.NG