What to do with a guy who is toxic but gives amazing sex?


So I met this guy few months back. We started off as friends at some point then we started dating. He was all sweet and caring at first until we started having sex.

Since then, he mostly calls whenever he wants to have sex with me. Whenever I tried visiting him without informing him first, he’d flare up, asking why I didn’t call before coming. And most times he’ll say he cares about me, that’s why.

I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried my best to forget him but whenever he calls, I do see myself going back to him. Please help me.

Dear reader,

Sex has such an ability to generally take people take poor decisions and make mistakes. Surely it also has a way of making people stay in bad relationships which they would normally not think twice before rushing out of. That is a well-known truth that has been well documented in this pulse article here.

So you need to first be sure of what you want and what you do not want. Do you feel OK with a relationship where it is obvious you are being disrespected, or you want something better? Are you OK with the sex in the relationship even though it comes with blatant disregard and other shady behaviours?

If you are not, then the way for you is out and away from that guy. It may be difficult knowing that walking away from him is tantamount to walking away from the fantastic sex you always get from him, but that’s what needs to be done and you must be intentional about taking your happiness, wellness and mental balance into your own hands.

If you don’t do it for yourself, it is not likely that anyone would do it for you.

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Source: Lifestyle.NG