Six signs you are in a bad relationship — and when to call it quits


Six signs you are in a bad relationship — and when to call it quits

Most relationship red flags pop up right from the beginning. Deniability in relationships is most times the prevailing factor of untimely and ugly breakups.

Problems in relationships have less to do with actual behavior and more to do with the feelings and intentions behind them. While some relationships are a no-no from the start, some of us don’t even recognize unhealthy relationships when we eventually get involved.

Here are five reasons it may be time to cue and call it quit.

Decline in intimacy

The honeymoon periods are always the best. Intimate connections are established between the couple during these moments. When the honeymoon period ends, whether or not it was abrupt, and there isn’t any effort for resuscitation, the relationship is taking a decline. That’s a red flag. It could be a passionless intercourse, consistent rejection in the bedroom, amongst others. It gets worse when you realize your mind wanders as much as you think your significant other’s does as well.

Your relationship is lacking fun

Your one time fun relationship has now turned to a battlefield with his words and actions as his strike and your paranoia and drama as yours. When you notice this has begun to happen, that is a red flag waving at you willingly. Being around you significant other is supposed to be your one-stop solace from the rest of the world. Especially as reality happens daily and you’d require close comfort in order to de-stress and unwind.

Living in the past

Most relationships are suffering the calamity of previous bad relationships. It is often said that what you resist, persist. Focusing on the wrongdoings and mistakes from your past will only make you feel negative and full of criticism about your current relationship.

Let go and leave those relationships where they belong – fixating on prior pain will only cause more to appear and leave no room to actually enjoy the connection in the new relationship.

Technology love

Being on the phone more than usual since the relationship can be a sign of rejection. Of course not entirely as sometimes, it could actually be work calling but it cannot also be completely ruled out as a potential red flag.

Every other relationship takes priority

Prioritizing time spent together is key in every relationship, for it could either make or break the bond between the couple. They should both be willing to spend time with each other regardless of the tugs coming from personal lives. It should also be mutual and not one-sided. Most times in every relationship, both partners need time apart, but if your partner is constantly choosing to hang with friends and coworkers instead of you, that is an issue.

Your partner keeps you at arm’s length

When most attributes that built and solidified the connection between a couple become estranged, every other thing falls apart- including the relationship. Things like cuddling, emotional support, and whatnot become reduced or nonexistent. At this point, there is no reason being together if you are slowly becoming strangers to yourselves.