Nigerians Slam Christy O Amid Rumors of Affair with Married Colleague Kess


Nigerians Slam Christy O Amid Rumors of Affair with Married Colleague Kess

In a new social media scandal coinciding with the start of a new month and Independence Day, rumors have emerged of a sexual relationship between married BBN star Kess and his colleague, Christy O.

Both individuals have faced intense scrutiny and criticism in light of these allegations, particularly Kess, who is married. Nigerians have taken to various online platforms to express their shock, disappointment, and outrage, flooding the internet with their opinions.

The scandal unfolded when Kess’s foreign-based wife discovered explicit text messages on her husband’s phone, revealing adulterous conversations and graphic discussions between Kess and Christy O. This revelation devastated Kess’s wife.

What adds complexity to this scandal is the fact that Kess had been sharing an apartment with Christy O while his wife was abroad. Financial difficulties reportedly forced Kess into this arrangement, as he couldn’t afford the rent on his own.

Kess had repeatedly assured his wife that his relationship with Christy O was purely platonic, even describing her as a sisterly figure and claiming he didn’t find her attractive. However, these statements proved to be lies after the incriminating messages were discovered.

Reactions to the scandal:

– One commenter, ladyque, questioned the decision of a married man sharing rent with a single lady.

– bel dianique expressed confusion over married individuals airing their issues on social media.

– wig.palette highlighted the lesson of not judging people solely by their appearance.

– effedeborah humorously described the situation.

– poshest_hope expressed surprise at Christy O’s involvement.

– man.down001 advised everyone to stay calm at the start of a new month.

– sunnvecheleofficial referenced Kess’s previous comments about other BBN contestants.

– highy_and_classy_ emphasized the need to be cautious of innocent-looking individuals.