Daniel Regha mocks couples who wore matching Pjs for Christmas


Twitter personality Daniel Regha has once again stirred the pot with his unfiltered opinions, this time taking aim at couples who embraced matching PJs for their Christmas photoshoots.

In a blunt critique, the media personality mocked the posed couples, claiming that the images were showing forced vibes. Daniel went further, suggesting that couples should up their game in striking poses, revealing that the Christmas PJ were not “giving”. He concluded his statement with a disclaimer, expressing that his remarks were not intended as shade but rather as his honest opinion.

This is not the first time Daniel Regha has taken a controversial stand. Flashing back to December 2024, he took a swipe at feminists advocating for gender equality in Nigeria.

”Once again, some of u need to stick with join-join pictures, or learn how to strike a pose as a couple; Cos ur pictures be looking like farced relationship vibes (with the mgbeke poses).”

From the smile to the outfits, it’s not encouraging at all. No shades.

Daniel called out what he perceived as hypocrisy, expressing that Nigerian women championed gender equality until the festive season arrived. He specifically criticized the expectation that men bear the financial burden, especially during Christmas, highlighting the irony of demanding equal rights while relying on men to cover expenses such as wigs and handbags.